HB4FR celebrates the "World Space Week" by organizing, with primary schools in the region and the Lake Geneva area, a "Payerne Space Day", inside the "Clin d'Ailes" museum.
Children work on topics about space. In addition, they present us every year beautiful drawings on the theme of esapce.

Hubert Reeves, painted by a student form the établissement primaire et secondaire de Genolier et environs, Payerne Space Day 2018
The choice of topics is done with their teachers, but then they let go their imagination, which always surprises. Students present their work on the Saturday afternoon of the World Week in the Clin d'Ailes Museum. The result is from year to year more than amazing: if the subjects are always more or less the same, their presentation on the other hand is always very different.
As an other example, a small animated film, made by the students of the Belfaux primary school for the WSW 2017.
The following schools participated in the "Payerne Space Day":
2007 : école primaire de Morens, classes de 4, 5 et 6e année
2008 : cercle scolaire de Payerne - Grandcour
2009 : cercle scoliare de Cugy
2010 : établissement secondaire de Payerne et environs
2011 : école primaire de Cormanon, Villars-sur-Glâne, classes 3p et 5P
2012 : collège des Pressoirs Lonay, classes 4, 5 et 6P
2013 : établissement primaire et secondaire Montreux-Ouest-Clarens
2014 : Delley-Portalban, 2e classe primaire
2015 : établissement primaire et secondaire d'Avenches et environs, classes 11 VG/1, VG/3 et D2
2016 : cercle scolaire Fétigny - Ménières
2017 : cercle scolaire de Belfaux
2018 : établissement primaire et secondaire de Genolier et environs
If shortwave propagation conditions allow, children have the opportunity to discover amateur radio during their activity at the Clin d'Ailes Museum. With the kind permission of OFCOM, they have the opportunity to take the microphone, ask questions and interact with an amateur radio operator living in a french speaking part of the world. These QSO (connections) are often made with our friend Jacky, 3B8CF, amateur radio operator living in Mauritius.

HB9BOU, HB9SLO and Swiss astronaut Claude Nicollier, HB9CN ready for the QSO
See yourself what the kids are able to do. Every year, parents and museum visitors are impressed by the quality of the presented topics and animations.