On the following pages you wil find information about the club such as: |
| Who are we? what we are doing |
| The Board: more about the team |
| QSL cards and Awards: all about our QSL cards and awards |
| HB9SPACE: our special call for activities associated with Space-Events |
| HB9SOLAR: our special call for activities associated with Solar-Energy-Events |
| Shack: our radio room, the life in and around our QTH |
| Our jubilee: 10 years HB4FR |
| Special activities : 12 october 2019, HB4FR - Apollo 11, The Moon, Gateway to the Stars

| Activität HB1BCG : Devember 01 - 31, 2021 QRV on the bands, QUA Artikel von HB9TNA, die erste gelungene transatlantische Uebermittlung einer Meldung auf Kurzwellen |