en-INFO - Who are we ? - HB4FR

Nous voulons intéresser les jeunes pour les sciences, la technologie et la radio
Wir wollen die Jugend für die Wissenschaft, die Technik und den Amateurfunk interessieren
We want to interest young people in sciences, technology and radio
Logo HB4FR
"Clin d'Ailes"
Swiss Air Force Museum
HAM Radio Club
Payerne - Switzerland
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INFO - Who are we ?

HB4FR is an Amateur Radio Club, which is directly linked to the Museum of military aviation “Clin d'Ailes” in Payerne, French speaking part of Switzerland.

The club displays interesting Swiss military aviation radio communication equipment, amateur radio equipment, and also runs an  amateur radio station.

Our goals:

Our objective is to interest young people, but also a wider public in radio technology, and technology and science in general.

How do we reach our goals?

We provide the secondary schools (colleges) with the necessary technical infrastructure to prepare students to take part in the ARISS (Amateur Radio on International Space Station)  program. This entails students preparing themselves in various  scientific branches such as math’s, physics, geography etc, as well as  languages, for a radio connection with an amateur radio licensed  astronaut on board the ISS (International Space Station). Using up-to-date radio amateur techniques, we let the general public taking  part through medias such as the Internet, radio, TV and the press.

ARISS, (Student having radio contact with Astronaut Thomas Reiter; in the background Astronaut and Club member Claude Nicollier, HB9CN)

With primary schools in the area of Payerne we organize every year in the museum a so-called "Space Day ", as part of the international "World Space Week".

The children deal with various issues of the keywords "Space" and "The  Universe" and present their work statically and interactively to parents, guests and visitors to the museum "Clin d'Ailes".
The children particularly love the "Space Lesson" given by our honorary member and astronaut Claude Nicollier (HB9CN) during his "debriefing"

Payerne Space Day at the Museum Clin d'Ailes (children are ready for shortwave radio contact)
If short-wave radio propagation allows, the "Space Day" ends with a radio contact with a French-speaking radio amateur from another continent. The children develop a catalog of questions that they will put to their correspondent. Bingo !

Electronics for Kids. During weekends with special activities in the Clin d'Ailes Museum, we offer children various activities to discover radio and electronics.

HAM Radio :
Amateur Radio is „Communications Superpower".
The Radio Amateurs are the eyes and the ears of the
world in time when all other information channels are silent.

(Kristalina Georgieva, EU-Commissioner)
© 2011 / 2024 by HB4FR
Logo HB4FR we provide Space for Kids
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