Activities-english - HB4FR

Nous voulons intéresser les jeunes pour les sciences, la technologie et la radio
Wir wollen die Jugend für die Wissenschaft, die Technik und den Amateurfunk interessieren
We want to interest young people in sciences, technology and radio
Logo HB4FR
"Clin d'Ailes"
Swiss Air Force Museum
HAM Radio Club
Payerne - Switzerland
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Our main activities in the public sector

On the following pages, we present our activities in the context of « ARISS », « World Space Week » and with schools.

Here's what we do in detail ...

Sometimes we also give practical lessons in the context of physics teaching in schools in the region, to deepen the theoretical teaching by building with students simple radio receivers.

Raymond, HB9DMN
"The practice is just as valuable as the grammar..."

ARISS ... is an acronym for Amateur Radio on International Space Station which means "Amateur Radio on the International Space Station"

World Space Week - Every year, under the patronage of the UN, from 4 to 10 October, World Space Week takes place around the world. Learn more here and what we do in this context ...       

Electronic tinkering with Kids - As part of the activities of the Clin d'Ailes Museum, we participated in the thematic days organized in spring and autumn. We organize a special program "Electronics for Kids" in the Museum "Clin d'Ailes" during the weekend special days. Learn more here and what we do in this context ...

HAM Radio :
Amateur Radio is „Communications Superpower".
The Radio Amateurs are the eyes and the ears of the
world in time when all other information channels are silent.

(Kristalina Georgieva, EU-Commissioner)
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