en-Activites-Electronics for Kids - HB4FR

Nous voulons intéresser les jeunes pour les sciences, la technologie et la radio
Wir wollen die Jugend für die Wissenschaft, die Technik und den Amateurfunk interessieren
We want to interest young people in sciences, technology and radio
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"Clin d'Ailes"
Swiss Air Force Museum
HAM Radio Club
Payerne - Switzerland
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Activities - Electronics for kids

Electronic tinkering with Kids at the museum

In the spring and autumn, the "Clin d'Ailes" Museum organizes a program with special activities during a weekend.

As part of these special days, our club since 2011 offers children the opportunity to make electronic tinkering. The children learn to weld and make a copper plane, a man with flashing eyes, a siren, a mini robot etc.

We also offer a Morse code reading and transmission workshop. The children have the opportunity to discover the morse telegraphy. The TSF (Wireless Telegraphy) is the ancestor of broadcasting. It is with this mode of transmission, based on the coding of letters in dots and dashs, that the transmission of data by radio waves has begun..

Listen to the word "hello" in Morse code by pressing the play button below

---> you want to learn more about Morse code, it's here

Once familiar with the Morse alphabet, children can go on a fox hunt in the museum. They must find morse code letters hidden in the museum. A present awaits them if they manage to compose the magic word with the help of the letters found. Success is guaranteed, there are only winners !!

HAM Radio :
Amateur Radio is „Communications Superpower".
The Radio Amateurs are the eyes and the ears of the
world in time when all other information channels are silent.

(Kristalina Georgieva, EU-Commissioner)
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