en-Activities-Who is ARISS ? - HB4FR

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Wir wollen die Jugend für die Wissenschaft, die Technik und den Amateurfunk interessieren
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"Clin d'Ailes"
Swiss Air Force Museum
HAM Radio Club
Payerne - Switzerland
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Activities - Who is ARISS ?

... is the akronym for "Amateur Radio on the International Space Station".

ISS (International Space Station) is a space station in low Earth orbit dedicated to scientific research.

Amateur radio station aboard the ISS

The International Space Station (ISS) officially has an amateur radio station on board. It serves as an emergency communication system and allows amateur radio astronauts to make radio contacts with radio amateurs around the world.

ARISS is an international association of radio amateurs, responsible for the management and improvement of the amateur radio station aboard the ISS. In collaboration with NASA, ESA and other space agencies involved in the construction of the ISS, ARISS is responsible for organizing amateur radio contacts between schools and astronauts holding an amateur radio license on board the International Space Station.

ESA Astronaut Tim Peake presents ARISS on ISS
Click on the picture to view the You Tube Video

The school wishing to carry out such an experiment prepares a training program specifically focused on astronautics and technologies related to this type of event and applies.

When the school is selected, the radio contact can be made as soon as a possibility arises. Students then prepare a catalog of questions for the astronauts, and volunteer radio amateurs set up the station with their equipment. During ISS's overfly of about 10 minutes, an astronaut answers students' questions.

The HB4FR "Clin d'Ailes" Swiss Air Force Museum HAM Radio Club had the privilege of setting up and making two ARISS contacts from the Clin d'Ailes Museum.
Visit the following two pages for details:

For more information about ARISS, ISS and ESA

--> Inside the International Space Station, ISS Expedition 25 commander Doug  Wheelock, KF5BOC, gave a tour of the Russian segment of the orbiting complex,  including the Soyuz spacecraft docked there.  Wheelock showed off the  station's HAM radio, using the call sign "NA1SS," to talk with people on  the ground (click on the picture to view the You Tube Video)

--> more about ESA (European Space Agency), the European Space Agency

HAM Radio :
Amateur Radio is „Communications Superpower".
The Radio Amateurs are the eyes and the ears of the
world in time when all other information channels are silent.

(Kristalina Georgieva, EU-Commissioner)
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